more than freight forwarding

complete freight and customs services

40 ft Personal Effects Shipment - Customs Clearance

Quote info....
Port Charges: $ 498.00
Terminal Charges: $ 670.00
Sea Cargo Fee: $ 75.00
Delivery Order Fee: $ 85.00
Customs Clearance: $ 4 950.00
Lift on/lift off: $ 98.00
Cargo Management Fee $ 38.80
Wharf Infrastructure Levy $ 515.00
Total ex. GST: $ 6 929.80
Total Price: $ 7 622.78
Conditions: You are required to have a valid motor vehicle import approval. This quotation is valid for 30 days.Import restriction apply to imported cargo check with Australian Customs & Quarantine prior to importation
The total cost for the shipment including pickup from import wharf, port charges, quarantine application, customs clearance, container unpacking, delivery by furniture van to place your cargo inside your house: AU $ 7 622.78
Note: Extra charges may apply if quarantine orders the treatment of your personal effects, our port charges are based on our standard tariff, each shipping line has its own rate structure therefore your quotation may change.
All business transacted is subject to our standard trading conditions - click here